Forni a storte a pareti calde fino a 1100 °C Esecuzione IDB

Hot-Wall Retort Furnaces for Thermal Debinding in Non-Flammable Process Gases (IDB) and for Presintering.

Controllo dei processi

Funzione e attrezzatura


Hot-Wall Retort Furnaces for Thermal Debinding in Non-Flammable Process Gases (IDB) and for Presintering 

In the IDB version, the retort furnaces are equipped with a safety concept in which the furnace chamber is inerted with a protective gas. Exhaust gases are incinerated in a thermal afterburner. Both the purging and the torch function are monitored to ensure safe operation.

  • Safety package for handling flammable gas releases
  • Process carried out with monitored overpressure of 10-50 mbar relative 
  • PLC process control with safety monitoring (F-PLC) and graphic touch panel  
  • Monitoring of all process gas input pressures 
  • Bypass for safe purging of the furnace chamber with inert gas 
  • Thermal post combustion of the exhaust gases 

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