Piece retortowe nagrzewane przez ściany do 1100 °C z zastosowaniem wodoru

If flammable process gases, such as hydrogen, are used, the retort furnace is also equipped with the required safety technology.  

Sterowanie procesami

Funkcja i wyposażenie


Hot-Wall Retort Furnaces for Thermal Debinding in Hydrogen (H2) and for Presintering 

If flammable process gases, such as hydrogen, are used, the retort furnace is also equipped with the required safety technology.  

  • Safety package for operation in hydrogen 
  • Flammable process gases with controlled overpressure of 10‑50 mbar relative 
  • PLC process control with safety monitoring (F-PLC) and graphic touch panel  
  • Redundant gas inlet valves for hydrogen 
  • Monitoring of all process gas input pressures 
  • Hydrogen sensor/hydrogen gas warning sensors in the furnace housing 
  • Bypass for safe purging of the furnace chamber with inert gas 
  • Torch for thermal post combustion of the exhaust gases
  • Protective gas emergency flood container for purging the furnace in case of malfunction 

Dodatkowe wyposażenie

  • Condensate trap (for IDB and H2 models), which is dependent on the quantity and condensation behavior of the type of binder that is used

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